
Mattman: Dinosaur Hunter 2011 Convention Announcements

I was worried for a while that I wouldn't be at any conventions this year but it looks like I managed to weasel into a few of them after all. The local one here in Maine always fills up long before it crosses my mind to sign up for it and other conventions I just can't afford right now. One of my biggest concerns right now is making sure the comic is ready to be presented at a convention now. After last year I've been thinking about how I approach the comic and how I should start (at least sometimes) thinking of it as more of a business. Needless to say, my convention presence will be fall more dynamic this year.

Cons Matt will be attending this year:

Pax East

Don't get excited. I don't even know if I could sell at a con like this. They don't have an artist alley and I doubt that I count as a vendor. I'll just be running around having some fun at this one.

Anime Boston

I didn't get a table. From what I heard a lot of people are out on there ass at AB this year. I don't even know who did get a table. I'm very disappointed. This is the first time in years I won't be selling at Line Con. I will be there in spirit. (And probably actually be there.)


I stumbled onto this con at the last minute. It takes place at Smith College, an all woman's school somewhere in Massachusetts. The con focuses on primarily female creators so I'm a little nervous. But I'm still very glad to be going. This will be the first con I sell at with the new site, format and business model.

New York comic Con

Hopefully, but I won't know if I'm going for a while. I lost a lot of money last year and I need to be certain that things will go differently before I commit.